
About Jie Yang

I am Yang Jie, a first year PH.D. student of Ishizuka Lab, Department of Creative Infomatics,University of Tokyo.Before that, I studied in the Department of Computer Science, Peking University, China.

Research Interests

  • semantic web and semantic computing
  • Information extraction and classification
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Now I focus on ontology constructin and mapping


  • Jie Yang, Lei Wang, Song Zhang, Xin Sui, Ning Zhang, Zhuoqun Xu: Building Domain Ontology Based on Web Data and Generic Ontology. Web Intelligence 2004: 686-689
  • Ning Zhang, Song Zhang, Lei Wang, Jie Yang, Zhuoqun Xu: Offer Group Generation and Delayed Processing in Multi-Issue Negotiation. Web Intelligence 2004: 702-705
  • Jie Yang, Joshua Zhexue Huang, Ning Zhang, Zhuoqun Xu: C3: A New Learning Scheme to Improve Classification of Rare Category Emails. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 747-75


  • 04/2005: membership of Japanese semantic computing /CDL project
  • 03/2003 to 06/2003: Visit Fellow in Hong Kong University e-business Technology InstitutesSponsored by IBM China Scholar Visitor ship Program

Contact Infomation:
Email: yangj_at_mi.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Address: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656, JAPAN
Location: Hongo (Main) Campus, Eng. Bldg. 14, 6th floor --- Guide Map (Eng. Bld. 14) Accesses to the Hongo Campus
Phone: +81-03-5841-6774
Fax: +81-3-5841-8570