
Finish sushi in 10 mins

To easilife: I am really sick of English already... But if you had ever blogged by mobile phone u would know there are only two choices: English or Japnese.
The new lense liquid is great and this morning my eyes was safe!

otaro is famous for the glass productions. In the "kitaichi venetian art museum" I saw the most beautiful glass for the first time. Never thought the glass can be shining like the diamond too. The 2nd floor exhibites the lifestyle of european nobility. Then I koow why cinderella(?) is the dream of every woman, young or old, in the past or at presemt. It's nothing to do with the name unknown princess, just u can live in the magic world of glass! Those pot and cups! mirrors! accessaries!masquerades!

There happens to have the "Van Gogh's paintings reproductions glass mosaic" on the 5th floor. I like the self portrait the most, while it's not among them.
Besides the museum there are glass prnductions being selled everywhere. beautiful but expensive! This kind of romance needs money so I choose to window shopping... It's one of the nonlovely merits!

The small town of otaro takes us 4hours. According to our plan, we should eat susushi here... The result is, we found a grand sushi ya, ate a set (ten sushis) each in ten minutes and rushed to the JR station for our last stop: hakodate.


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